
Time warp: November edition

Weasley is still adorable. When he is not running around like a maniac, he enjoys sleeping on the sofa or one of the many beds upstairs.

Cleo is still plump and this picture amuses me. Those boxes are still not unpacked and Cleo is going to be really grumpy when I finally get around to seeing what's in them (the labels say 'knick knacks' hence why they're still not open).

It snowed a little bit, and didn't last long. This was obviously before I'd finished cleaning up the container gardens for the season. I've since taken care of those and stashed the pots in the garage for next year.

Another shot of the snow, and some of the leaves were still on the trees. Those have since fallen, and I've raked everything into an impressive leaf pile behind the swing set.

This is not my cat. I went to Austin TX for the annual ESA meeting and got to hang out with Brooke, Christian and their cats. I'd heard so much about Donny and Zoey that I definitely wanted to meet them before I left.

This is my cat. Cleo is enjoying the new cat tree that lives in Josh's office. She is especially fond of the cat hut on the third level.

Kerry sent us delicious Swiss chocolate!

Weasley on the little table in the kitchen. It's a good thing he's cute.

More cat hut, this time with Weasley.

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